Cave rescue exercise

The purpose of cave rescue is to implement teams and resources specializing in underground rescue, but has various missions :

- theprevention of underground accidents (caves, chasms, careers, mines, etc.),

- thetraining of speleologist rescuers (team members, technicians, specialists, etc.),

the organization and management of underground rescues,

- thetechnological research in the constant concern to develop and improve all of its techniques.

On 1976, the long and complex rescue at the flooded Gournier cave in the Vercors spontaneously and generously involved rescuers from all origins and cavers from all departments.

The conclusion was to entrust the French Federation of Speleology with the organization of underground rescue.

We could no longer be satisfied with calling in mountain rescuers or local firefighters. Mere generosity was not enough, it needed an organization, a training, suitable equipment and techniques.

From there was born theFrench Rescue Caving, a commission of the Federation which aims toimplementation of teams and means specialized in underground rescue.

The progress made since is significant since the administrative base of the SSF is well defined :

the Ministry of the Interior, by convention recognizes the preponderant and unavoidable role of the SSF with regard to the underground part of the rescue operations.

The techniques and stretchers developed have gone beyond their field of application since they are used by mountain rescuers, in a ravine, en canyon, etc… SSF's "know-how" disseminated in neighboring countries (Belgium, Suisse, Italy), but is also exported to all countries of the world.

Aid has declined in France these 15 last years, but they specialize with the use of increasingly sophisticated means and techniques.

  • explosive clearance
  • cave diving
  • pumping
  • means of communication: underground telephone and radio (Nicola system)
  • implementation of boreholes

Within the SSF, information circulates, managers carry out the tasks necessary for training, the research, management, the administration of the commission, to make it a tool at the service of federates and more at the service of the State.

In the department of Pyrénées Orientales, the organization of cave rescue is different for historical reasons. Here, cave rescue has been set up in 1975, one year before the creation of the Secours Spéléo Français. Christian Deit, the dads of Fred Font and Lionnel Ruiz, among others, were then precursors by deciding to create a group to provide cave rescue in the department. When the cave rescue group was created, the latter was managed by SDIS (firefighter) under the command of the Departmental Prefect. Since, this operating mode has remained unchanged. Caving rescue is provided only by practitioners of the activity. The underground progression can only be done by speleologists. Thus followed this organization which continues today. Equipment specific to the activity – clean is not the first word that comes to mind when I think of activity 😊 – is also very specific. The helicopter is of little use underground. Conventional means of communication – radio or telephone – are inoperative. Other caving devices such as croll, jumar wrist, basic, pedal are little used in other vertical activities. The ropes, themselves, are not those used in climbing. When equipping a cavity, even more in an emergency context, it is not uncommon to have to use hundreds of meters of rope. A little anecdote on this subject. The PGHM (High Mountain Gendarmerie Platoon) by Oloron Sainte Marie, in the Pyrénées Atlantiques is today the only unit on French territory approved for cave rescue. I had the chance to do my military service there. At my arrival, I was invited to wash the ropes that had just been removed from the crossing of Pierre Saint Martin, one of the largest underground networks in France. Massif in which later, I was able to reach the mythical coast of – 1000 m . So I washed a little over a kilometer six hundred meters of muddy ropes. Nice welcome gift, it was very long 😂. The large amount of material to be transported requires the cooperation of many people. Rope techniques for moving a stretcher are not many : balancers, mouflages, load pickups and brakes, zip lines easily move a victim underground. But the implementation on the ground remains complex, eternal quadrature between theory and practice. To train new staff and train others, every year regular training sessions are organized. We were invited to participate on Sunday 25 April to join us in a day of rescue exercise in Perillos. Always a pleasure to find old acquaintances like Gaston, 74 years, pioneer of local caving, who introduced us to the activity a few years ago. COVID context obliges, the victim of the day, usually a designated volunteer, has been replaced by a fictitious mannequin. Good news for us, the mannequin should weigh around 20 kg, this will change from Christophe's usual quintal 😎. Au program, portage, ascent of a P15 (P meaning well), horizontal turn of 10 m, jump 10 m, portage, load brake 10 m, pendulum 20 m, zip line 30 m. At the debriefing of the day, the results were positive. The stretcher was able to overcome all obstacles. These days then make it possible to readjust the dysfunctions observed. Traditionally, the first sentence spoken by the group leader is “I am happy(e)” always immediately followed by “more …” 😒. Each member of the caving rescue can be mobilized at any time by order of the Prefect. A big thank you again to all these volunteers who help provide relief in this activity.

Last month, the young people of the club had to walk through the cavity of Marie Jeanne in the gorges of Galamus accompanied by the volunteer caving supervisors of the club of Perpignan. But we had to give up because of the rules enacted during this third confinement. Happy to see that the Tuesday and Thursday evening classes of the youth school can resume (outdoors). During confinement, we were able to offer outings. Sanitary constraints require us to practice at 10 km from home. How lucky for us to live in Tautavel ! Recently, we are authorized to practice again throughout the department but are still subject to the curfew of 19 h. I can't wait for health constraints to be alleviated, sign of improvement of the situation ! It will do good to everyone's morale !

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