La Pitchoune – Préhistochilds

Agathe,  Matilde, Catherine, Charlotte,  Garance, Thaïs, Roxane,  Azilis, Anahi, Louna, Telio, Thomas, Eric, Raphaël, Matis, Antoine, Pau,  Virginie, Berthe, lively, Carolina, Elodie, Vanessa, Aurélie, Silvan, Christophe, Richard,  Nicolas et François.

Sur le parking, preparations to begin our adventure of the day. Small technical advice are exchanged between girls. Charlotte, Garance, Matilde give us a hairdressing course : the ponytail should wear low not to hinder the straps of the helmet. end loan, we rush from the course.

Bison smart red day announced Saturday on the road. Effectively, traffic in via ferrata of St Paul's was crowded Pitchoune. Groups s & rsquo; organize. I find myself at the end of the pack accompanied by & rsquo; Azilis, Roxane, Thais,  Thomas and Richard. Others, we have not seen the. Real goats ! No one who lives in these ravines that & rsquo; we saw arriving, with hair and all. These mountains that & rsquo; we call here izards, chamois in the & rsquo; Alpe. These approaches you on tiptoe in a remote valley, and at the slightest noise, back slope in less time that & rsquo; it n & rsquo; takes to say; while you, peineras you at least an hour to do the same.

But back on topic. Thais takes the lead. We trade barriers after each other. The “wall of death” slows us down in our tracks. We take advantage of the moment to look at the landscapes that surround us. Then change of technical progress, du mode via railways, we spend mountaineer mode to redo our delay. In the tensioned rope, we exceed the girls before we. Thomas, little comfort from, Quench with & rsquo; year. He may be leading the tragic accident of Michel Croz in the first ascent of the Matterhorn. not Thomas, I will not cut the rope :-).

The first ascent of the Matterhorn was conducted by Edward Whymper, Francis Douglas, Charles Hudson, Douglas Hadow, Michel Croz and two guides from Zermatt, Peter Taugwalders father and son, the . Douglas, Hudson, Hadow and Croz were killed during the descent after Hadow slipped and caused the other three men in its fall, the north face. Whymper and the two Taugwalders, who survive, are later accused of & rsquo; have cut the rope connecting them to the rest of the group to avoid being dragged into the fall, but the & rsquo; subsequent investigation found no evidence of this and they are acquitted. This rise follows a long series of attempts by Edward Whymper and Jean-Antoine Carrel to d & rsquo; to the top. The Matterhorn is the last big peak in the Alps to be conquered and ascension marks the end of the & rsquo; d & rsquo age; or the & rsquo; mountaineering. These past experiences have allowed aujourd & rsquo; hui d & rsquo; improve the technical progress.

side figures. C & rsquo; is a via ferrata that grows on 150 m with 80 m drop. This introductory course is ideally suited for children. Our youngest climber of the day, Matis, a 6 years. The head of the group Via swallow less d & rsquo; one hour, the broom wagon will end half an hour later. Another beautiful output providing great sensations of freedom which mixes emotion and contemplation.

We thank the parents who accompanied us on this new adventure. A nod to our moms climbers Vanessa and Aurélie. Nath thank you and Christophe for troubleshooting lanyards. Beautiful pictures of Nico. Big up to Ricci. Congratulations to our budding climbers ! To see the looks and smiles of all, we will remember for a long time that day.














First winter of & rsquo; Everest 1980







La Pitchoune, it n & rsquo; is not as high as the previous photo but it looks like. From afar, from far away, there is a small air. 🙂







red day on the roads !































































































































































































































































Only mode
















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