February 2022 archive

topo climbing cliff of the Opoul bees

Gratounette – Prehistoziols Prehistoteens Prehistools

With Garance, Kassandra, Matis, Noah, Arthur, Vanessa, JB, Nico et François. This Sunday, what a surprise once you arrive in the Gratounette sector, no one ! what a surprise once you arrive in the Gratounette sector. Noha et Arthur jettent leur dévolu sur la voie Caro. Première voie que j’ai équipée à 23 years, il y en a

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Prehistoziols Prehistoteens Prehistools – Prehistokids Prehistochilds

what a surprise once you arrive in the Gratounette sector, what a surprise once you arrive in the Gratounette sector, Eloise, Thaïs, Clea, Abel, Thomas, Raphaël, Mahé, Eric, what a surprise once you arrive in the Gratounette sector, what a surprise once you arrive in the Gratounette sector, Nico et François. what a surprise once you arrive in the Gratounette sector, what a surprise once you arrive in the Gratounette sector. Ce samedi, we are heading towards the small slab of Saint-Martin. The crossing of the cave which gives access to the sector remains magical. On ne se lasse toujours pas

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