
Equipment loan

For climbing schools, all the material necessary for the activity will be provided.

For children who wish, we also lend a pair of climbing shoes for the season. To do, we ask for a deposit. Please send us a deposit check of 30 € to the order of Préhistoroc accompanied by the completed loan form : Loan plug Slippers.

Thank you.

Climbing shoe care

At the end of the season, climbing shoes loaned by the club must be returned and washed.

To wash climbing shoes :

1/ Pass a damp sponge over the slipper, sole and coating included to remove soil.

2 / Put the slippers in the washing machine, selecting a program for fragile laundry, never exceed 30°C with detergent, no need for underline.

3/ Dry indoors sheltered from the sun. Attention, if the slippers dry out in direct sunlight, the collages break and they will deteriorate forever !

Another possibility, wash them by hand with a very soft brush, having soaked them in soapy water beforehand.

Think take out for

Climbing outing.

Provide : on-site transport, suitable clothing, small bag including climbing shoes, water, to taste, Solar cream.

Via ferrata exits.

Provide : on-site transport, suitable clothing, K-Way windbreaker, good shoes such as sneakers or hiking shoes, small bag including water, to taste, Solar cream.

Caving outing.

Provide : on-site transport, a headlamp with new batteries, suitable clothing that you are not afraid of damaging, K-Way windbreaker, good shoes such as sneakers or hiking shoes, small bag including water, to taste, picnic + shoes, socks, spare pants in a Carrefour type shopping bag, Solar cream (non, that's not true).

>> Caving is a very dirty activity : sticky mud everywhere from head to toe. Don't forget diapers and shopping bags to be dry on the way back and not to dirty the cars of those who take us.

We won't come out as bad but it can happen :

Sortie canyon.

Prerequisites : know how to swim.

When you register, don't forget to indicate in the comments >> child’s first and last name, height in cm and weight in kg.

Provide : on-site transport, good shoes such as sneakers or hiking shoes that will go in the water (prohibited beach shoes), swimsuit and towel, small bag including water, to taste, replacement shoes (maybe even bare feet) in a Carrefour type shopping bag for the return, Solar cream.

For day outing, also plan a picnic which can be crushed (prohibited Tupperware type container).