

We found the Bees schools d & rsquo; climbing Perpignan and Saint Esteve.

On site, unfolded a climbing initiators training course. Three d & rsquo; them – Damien, Julien and Benjamin – have taken charge of our young climbers. A big thank you to them. They had prepared workshops that have allowed us to grow in our d & rsquo techniques belay; d & rsquo; other workshops referred to grasp and manage & rsquo; emotional aspect of & rsquo; activity. Learning that paid off : gesture d & rsquo; belay is safe and many have reached the top of the tracks. Congratulations to Préhistochild !

In parallel, Lolita is boosted and Stephanie are in extreme ways.

Great day in & rsquo; free from tram.



Lola, Evan, Léo, Valentine, Antoine, Fantine, Luis, Work, Lou, Gael, Heloise, Elsa, Lolita, Stéphanie, Celine, Mom and Dad Valentin.


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